Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Guest blogger

Auntie Sunshine here. Mama S and Baby K arrived safe and sound and thankfully brought some nice weather with them. KK is way too big, running around and talking. I could listen to her say yellow all day. Lello. She is by far the cutest thing ever.

Thursday we visited our friend H and her new baby boy for lunch and lots of catching up. KK wasn't too interested in Nolan, other than walking by and saying "Hi Baby!" every so often, but she loved all the toys and man did she want to get ahold of that cat. Poor Snips was running for his life.

Last night Mama S and I went to see "Little Miss Sunshine" at the theater she used to manage when we were in high school. It was very cute, sweet, sad, and so hi-larious...and surprisingly, not at all about me. I'd post the photo we took in the back of the theater, but Mama S would probably kill me. We were getting yelled at by some little teeny bopper who works there now. Obviously he didn't understand that she has rockstar status in that building. He invited us to take "all the pictures you want. In the lobby". Needless to say we were both laughing in the photos. Just a little less than flattering.

Afterwards we hung out with Jboy at my house, trying to come up with ideas for our Christmas lists. Mama S is sick and tired of me putting Ewan McGregor and Joss Whedon on my list every year, but that's not going to stop me from asking Santa.

Today Mama S and KK are Up North, visiting the farm. We're supposed to hit 40° so it should be perfect. KK's name for animals is Buddy. I can just imagine her up there, "Hieee Buuuudeee!" Should make for some adorable pics when they get back.

Okay, hopefully the photo will load. Posting from the home porn-infested computer, so I never know what I'm going to get.


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