Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Pen pals?

First, KK set a new record today and went potty on the big potty FOUR times! We're getting there - it's starting to click (with the help of lots of Disney and Halloween stickers - heh heh).

I was having a little pity party for myself today (lots of little reasons, nothing in particular) when something really cool happened. A little history first: In my previous life I had what some people would call a "real" job. Part of my job included traveling around the country, mostly to Native American reservations. In 2004, I spent some time in Monument Valley, Utah, with the Navajo people. While I was there, I took some pictures of families and children. Sometimes a family would ask if I would send them the photos, and of course I said I would. And then, so as not to break with biligaana (white man) tradition, I never did. They probably never thought anything of it - another white person's broken promise - no surprise. But, I kept records for each photo and last week, THREE YEARS LATER (I'm such a loser), I mailed them. Today I got this letter:

I have received your letter today, October 15, 2007. Thanks for sending the old pictures of my children to me. As I was looking at these pictures I wondered where these pictures were taken or where did we meet? Can you tell me where these pictures were taken and also I would like to get to know you. Do you have a family? If you do, send me a picture of you or your family, your house and where you live. Well, for me and my little family I got two (2) kids, a boy & girl, their names are Sam and Layla and wife, Renee. Well, we're here at home working around my home taking care of my livestock, sheep and goats. I'll stop here until I hear from you.

If I say that this surprised me it would make it seem as though I think Navajo people are not friendly or appreciative. Nothing is further from the truth. They are wonderful, kind, amazing people. However, they are typically introverted and private and keep a good distance from outsiders. Of course my experience is mostly with older generations, and younger generations are not as much the same. But truthfully, I'm still a little surprised. And thrilled, too! I'm thinking that perhaps this could be the start of a wonderful friendship that KK could be a part of. Maybe someday she'll become pen pals with little Layla! Here are a couple of the photos I sent:

Aren't they beautiful? I'm ready to go back and introduce KK to her new friends!

BuddyBuddy is doing well. His ear is ooozy, and icky, and itchy, but he's handling it okay. Maybe his scar will make him look tough and he won't get picked on anymore? We can only hope.

Here's some REALLY surprising news: I bought a bunch of candy for our trick-or-treaters and I haven't broken into it yet! Anyone want to place a bet on how long it will take me? Snicker, snicker. (No pun intended...actually that was just the candy calling for me...)


At 7:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That letter and your reaction to it brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful story...


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