Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Since birth, KK has been fearful of almost nothing. She'll run to strangers, walk into a dark room, climb ladders, watch Scooby Doo, and have straight up conversations with the "spookies" (Halloween inflatables, mannequins, costumes, etc.) in the stores - some of which could give ME nightmares. But drive the car through a car wash? Nothing could be more terrifying! She's been this way since she was a tiny baby. She would scream and cry while I held her hand and told her everything would be okay. Now, she only cries for the first couple of seconds, then she covers her face or ears with her hands. As long as I talk to her, though, she keeps it together. What a goofy kid! : )


At 8:16 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

I hate car washes. We got stuck in one once, for what seemed like forever but was maybe ten minutes. Maybe that's why I don't want a car.
Thank you SO MUCH for the package! I love it, and only have a tiny little bellyache.


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