Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Beauty Queens

KK had a friend over to play this afternoon and they came up with these colorful outfits. (Note that KK temporarily gave up the red cr0cs for pink sparkles...!) Aren't these lovelies beautiful?!! Just a second ago, KK woke up with two terrified screams. I ran into her room and she said there was a spider and a bee in her bed. So perhaps letting her watch M!ss Sp!der and then reading "M!ss Sp!der's Tea P@rty" was not such a good idea?

Tonight I saw "Definitely, M@ybe" with a friend (the movie was slow, but cute) and missed the voting results of AI. I guess I didn't miss much, because I don't even remember the two who were voted off. I guess I have to wait a couple more weeks for it to get really good.

The appliances arrive tomorrow....whooo hoooooo!!!!!


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