Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Bye bye bump

This morning KK had surgery to remove the little bump on her neck. She was born with it there, and it's removal was mostly for aesthetic reasons. Both her primary doctor and the ENT specialist recommended that we have it removed before she begins school. We had been planning to take care of it when she was 2 to 3, and since she will be starting preschool this fall, now was a good time. The bump wasn't terribly noticable, but several of her friends have been curious about it and KK would often touch it.

I have to admit that I had to make a conscious decision to not think too much about it being removed, because it was a part of her. She was perfect to me the day she was conceived, so changing anything about her was hard. But I know that as she gets older it could have become an issue for her.

She had a great time at the hospital looking at fishies with Grandma K, putting on special jammies, and going for wagon rides down the halls...

Coming out of the anesthesia, however, was...unpleasant. She became angry and violent and was inconsolable. She was mostly mad at all the tubes, monitors, and IV hookups she had - she wanted them out. Now. Who could blame her. Needless to say, they sent us home rather quickly. She screamed all the way home, but once she was on the couch watching Shrek and eating Nemo snacks she was much better. Tonight, after a nearly four hour nap, she is back to being herself, playing with Grandma and eating a Valentine cupcake that some of her sweet playgroup friends brought to her this afternoon...we're glad to have her back!


At 5:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Colin got some fancy non-slip socks like that when he had his procedure. Did KK get to keep hers? We are excited to see you all soon. Enjoy Grandma's visit.

At 8:42 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Poor lil KK! I'm so happy that everything went ok, though the kicking and screaming must have been hard, I know. Kids never cease to amaze me how fast they bounce back. It's good to get it done know while she's young.
Alll the best for a quick recovery!

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

Poor sweetie!
Glad to hear she is back to herself though, minus the bump! :)

There are few things that sugar won't fix when you are two I guess.

(cards will ship tomorrow!)

At 4:04 PM, Blogger Terri Mork Speirs said...

Prayers for KK's speedy recovery. Love, T xoxoxox

At 9:06 PM, Blogger me said...

Aww, poor baby! And poor mama, I'm sure you were a wreck (I would've been!). Glad Baby K is doing better.....


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