Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Mmmm...banana bread : )

We have lots and lots of banana bread (or "banana cake" as KK calls it). I made a total of 7 loaves and several muffins with the leftover batter. It is so nice to have a working oven again!!! I've even used it for more than baking banana bread, so that is good too. I am thrilled to have more options for cooking, and have found that I've enjoyed it for once - if you count putting frozen lasagna and pizza into the oven "cooking." A nice bonus to having new working appliances is that they are pretty too. KK is doing great. Her "owie" is already looking better and less red. I'm so happy to have that little hurdle over with. She had a little girlfriend over to play for most of the day yesterday who ended up spending the night. KK LOVED it! She woke up this morning and immediately called out for her friend and they picked up playing right where they left off the night before. I can't wait for slumber parties with LOTS of little kiddos! KK and I are very lucky and blessed to have such special friends in our playgroup.

Tonight Daddy and I helped one of our sitters complete some college applications and financial aid documents. Gosh, collecting and organizing all of that info is worse than buying a house! We made huge progress though, and while I am desperately going to miss this young lady when she leaves for college, I am so excited for her and her future.

I've missed both nights of AI this week. I think I said it was pretty much the only TV I ever watch, but I forgot about my other favorite - the very classy "Girls Next Door". I caught an episode tonight and I have my entertainment fix for the week. Now I'm off to eat some more banana bread...


At 5:48 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

So jealous of the banana favorite. Well, I like most any bread, carb queen that I am.
Also a little jealous that your sitter got lots of college application help. Jboy could have used that, because nothing I say is ever right.
Glad KK is doing well. Sleep overs already? Wow, you really are Supermom.

At 6:38 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Your new appliances are beautiful and shiny!! I can't wait to see lillte KK's fingreprints all ovre them. You both did a good job picking them out, I know it was a tough job!!! Looking forward to the banana bread too! KK was a good girl through all of her surgery and I had no doubt that she would heal fast. I bet she did have fun with the little friend sleep over. She can have sleep overs at grandmas to when she comes.
Love and miss you!!

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Jamie said...

Ooh your appliances look great!
How fun that KK had a friend over all night. Such big stuff she is! The way bed time goes around here, having someone over is a LONG way off :)

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Love the new appliances! The bread looks so yummy!!

I'm with you on looking forward to girly sleepovers :)

At 2:26 PM, Blogger Addy & Emmy's Mom said...

Yum! That looks great. I love your shiny new appliances too!!!

At 9:03 PM, Blogger me said...

Working appliances - yippee! I need banana bread now. :) Helping the sitter with college applications......sigh....remember when you & I were thinking of going to River Falls? We made it half way through the tour before we bailed.....ha ha! I feel old - but I certainly wouldn't want to be 18 again. :)

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Jenny said...

Beautiful appliances! We did new stainless appliances in our house (before we ended up selling and moving back to CT) and I so miss them!! As soon as we can save up the $ I want to get them again for this new house!

Those banana breads look delish!


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