Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, March 03, 2008

Weekend Highlights

This weekend's highlight was a visit to see Baby Addy, Uncle Geoff and Auntie Jill. You'll have to visit Addy's site to see all the cuteness. (Plus you'll be able to see bonus pictures of Addy there! She is so beautiful!) We were sent home with a bottle of Uncle Geoff's Princess Peach wine. We can't wait to have them over to share it with us!

I was a bit distracted with blogging about the appliances last week, so I didn't post about the REAL highlight of LAST weekend...a visit from Grandma M, Uncle Ry, Auntie K, and Cousin C !!! The kids had so much fun playing and watching a dinosaur movie! (They were a little too busy with the movie and didn't want to pose for any pictures...can you tell they are related?) : )


At 9:41 PM, Blogger me said...

Ha ha...I know that blank stare very well! :)


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