Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Badder Bloggy Mama

Whew! It has been a busy couple of weeks. Cousin C had a big birthday, and of course KK had to get in on the birthday action. C was very sweet and let KK have a turn blowing out candles on his really cool volcano/dinosaur cake.
We had some special friends and Grandma M here for Easter (can you believe I didn't take ANY pictures on Easter?!? GAH!) It was a very low-key day, which is just how we like it.

I finished the big project for our church (because Uncle Geoff feels bad when I say I did it for him, even though I was more than happy to do it). It took around 30 hours to complete, but what I did is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what the actual project will be. It's pretty amazing.

KK has been a handful as usual, but of course a lot of fun. She has become the sweetest little helper - she wants to help with everything. We made a good ol' midwestern dish that was right up her alley...tater tot hot dish! She was thrilled to use her organizational skills to line up the tater tots all by herself.
Everyone who knows Daddy will completely agree that this next picture proves that she is Daddy's girl:
Auntie Sunshine sent her some fun Elm0 undie$ for Easter - which of course double as cute hats.
She loves dressing up in all kinds of other interesting oufits:

(yes, they were clean!)

Her newest oddity is that she has fallen in love with "donkey." Yes, I know that "donkey" is really a giraffe. And SHE knows that "donkey" is really a giraffe, but when you have fallen in love with Shrek's best friend Donkey, you use your imagination. He goes everywhere we do, and sleep is impossible without him.

KK just got over a bad cough and some sniffles a couple of days ago, so hopefully we'll all be getting a little more sleep. The weather has been wonderful, and I am so glad spring has sprung! And what better way to welcome spring than saying "Hello again, it's you and me..." to Jon Bon Jovi? Less than 48 hours to go. : )


At 7:17 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

It's always so much fun to read your updates! I love the photos, especially the one of her on her kitchen counter. So CUTE! Isn't it fun when children copy our little mannerisms?

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Addy & Emmy's Mom said...

KK looks so grown up in her pictures!!! I love her dress up outfits...they made me laugh!

At 8:02 AM, Blogger me said...

Aww, SO cute - I love KK's "Donkey"! Nice to see she's still an undie-head. :)


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