Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Rocky Mountain High

Over Father's Day weekend we went to the mountains and stayed in a log cabin with KK's Grandpa M (Daddy's Dad), Uncle Ry, Auntie Kar, and cousin C. We went hiking and fishing and canoeing and saw lots of elk and even a couple of moose! It was a very nice and relaxing weekend, except for the drive to get there. Daddy's @$#*($# truck kept dying (again!) on a mountain pass that is very curvy with lots of very high cliff-like edges so you can't really pull over. Grrrr. It took longer to get there than planned, but it all turned out well in the end. KK got to play with her cousin C, which she is always excited about.
They both got spoiled by Grandpa, who brought them lots of toys and camping-type gifts including their very own tackle boxes, flashlights, and "beelocklears" (binoculars). The beelocklears are her favorite!
Raiding Grandpa's tackle box

The cabin was right on the lake, which was beautiful. The lodgepole pines that make up the majority of the forest are pretty much destroyed by beetle kill which is heartbreaking. You can see it in most of the pictures - the trees are dead and have turned a dry red color. In a few years, I'm afraid they will all be lost. For now, the views are still pretty, and the mountains are still magical.
The view from the canoe
Paddling with Uncle Ry and Auntie Kar
Uncle Ry's Fish
Mommy's Fish
Daddy's efforts at a fish
(Who needs fancy fly fishing gear when you can borrow a Spiderman fishing pole from your nephew and have better results! Sorry, Daddy.)

Look! It's a Moose! (And a dying forest.) : (

All of us on Father's Day

The drive home wasn't quite as scary, so I managed to take a few photos. I was so glad to get over the pass and onto roads with shoulders!!!! This was the view from the passenger window (Mom, you would not have liked this drive at all!!!)

We are very lucky to live in such a beautiful state and I'm looking forward to our next mountain outing. I just hope we have a more dependable vehicle next time we have to cross the continental divide!


At 7:35 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

What a beautiful trip! Makes me miss living in Colorado... That road you describe reminds me of Rte 6 through Loveland pass. A gorgeous, but terrifying drive!!

At 12:37 PM, Blogger Lynanne said...

whoa, look at the scenery! And, I love KK's expression as she's looking at that fish. :)


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