Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Wild Things

Last week KK had a date at the zoo with her little boyfriend J. I had thought we went there together last summer too, but it had actually been almost two years ago when we took them for their first birthdays (they are exactly one week apart). Look how they've grown!
The two of them had a great time running around and looking at the animals. We even rode on a train and carousel, which KK loved. It was nice to spend time with our special friends! Over the past week KK has also been working on riding her bike, but she still prefers me to push her rather than use the pedals on her own. She can reach them now, but just barely, so I think it's hard for her to get any momentum. She is not really a fan of her "helment" either, but she tolerates it for a little while. When we play outside, she'd rather organize rocks or go exploring in neighbors garages. She does look good on her bike, though -- she's our little wild thing!


At 7:24 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Oooh, "helment" reminds me of Macaroni's "helmick". He's been in Alaska for almost two weeks, miss him. And you guys too, always.

Super cute pics! Keep 'em coming. xoxo

At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The helmet is probably bothering her because of her ponies! So cute!! Looking forward to seeing you next weekend! J and her look so cute together, I hope they can be friends all through their lives.

Love and Kisses
Grandma K


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