Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Guess who's a big girl?!

On most mornings Daddy gets KK out of her crib and brings her to our room for snuggle time. This morning she told Daddy she didn't want to get up yet, so he left for work and told me she was still in bed. I could hear her chatting on the monitor, and then it got suddenly quiet. I went to check on her, but didn't get far. There she was, sitting in the living room reading a book. One of Daddy's books with all text - not a kid's book. She was just turning page after page, happy as can be.

When she saw me, she said "It's good morning time, Mommy! I got up!" Since the last (and only) time she 'climbed' (somersaulted) out of her crib it didn't go so well, I was surprised that I hadn't heard a thump or any noise at all. I thought maybe Daddy had actually gotten her up and she had just stayed in her own room for awhile. So, I brought her back to her crib and asked her to show me how she got up. In three smooth moves, she climbed over the rail and stepped to the floor without a sound! So, KK's crib is now converted to a big girl bed! The miracle of it all? She went to sleep for her nap and at bedtime without any issues at all. Hallelujah, please let it last! I guess I'll be spending tomorrow doing some extra child-proofing in the house!


At 5:49 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

She's growing up so fast! Glad you were good about getting the crib down, poor Jboy fell out of his a bunch of times before I just put his mattress on the floor.

Speaking of growing up fast, Jboy is staying overnight in the dorm tonight.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger me said...

Oh yeah, it's big girl/boy bed time all over the place, isn't it?!


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