Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

15 month check-up

KK had her 15 month well-child check-up today. She weighs 20.5 pounds (22%tile) and is 31 1/4" tall (40%tile). She actually jumped up in her height percentile, but stayed the same in weight. I guess I turned the carseat around too soon -- I'm sure she didn't weigh 20 pounds a month ago. But her legs were too long and her feet were jamming into the back of the seat. I've heard recently that kids should remain facing backwards until they are 30-some pounds. Even if this is safer, where in the world are their legs and feet supposed to go???

Anyway, KK's appetite was a little better today but she is still not quite herself. Her doc thinks she may have a little sinus infection, so if she's not acting and eating better in three days, we'll do a run of antibiotics. Since she hasn't been feeling well we skipped her immunizations, and will go back for those at 18 months.

KK got to spend some time with Daddy tonight and I went to PF Chang's for dinner with three other playgroup Moms. It was nice to get out, but I felt terrible leaving KK because she knew I was leaving and she cried and clung to my leg. She hasn't really done that before, so it was hard on everyone. Once I was out, I had a nice time. This group of moms is really laid back and we have a nice relaxing time together. We've actually accomplished having our Family Night (last weekend) and started the babysitting co-op...but with the cold weather today, we decided to swap our skiing weekend and shopping trip to Paris with a week on the beach in Cancun. Ahhhh. It's time for me to go to bed and dream that any of these would ever really happen. Sigh.


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