Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend with Grandma

We had such a nice weekend with Grandma K! She got to share some fun times with KK, seeing her play (and get chased by her 'boyfriend') at the club, and singing and dancing at music class. They read lots of books and talked to each other in their Elmo language. We also went to dinner at Red Robin Friday night, went to a craft show on Saturday, and had lunch with the Boyles today.

In between our outings and playtime, Grandma helped us customize our new drapes, sewed a liner into a hand warmer for Daddy, and we painted thirty-some Christmas ornaments for the church bazaar next weekend. The ornament project seemed like it would be fast and easy, but we had to work on them every day to get them all done. They turned out cute, though, and we really had fun doing them. (Keep working on those swirls, Grandma...) ; )

We also managed to squeeze in a lot of movies (Over the Hedge, The Wild, Click, Nightmare Before Christmas, and RV). And BB got his fair share of attention from Grandma, too! No wonder the weekend went by WAY TOO fast! Thanks for a great weekend, Grandma, we love you and we'll see you soon! xoxox


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