Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, November 18, 2006

"Do the Monkey"

Last weekend, Grandma taught KK how to do monkey and elephant sounds, as well as using her arm as an elephant trunk. Yesterday as we were getting ready for the day, The Wiggles were on TV. They have a song where they imitate animal sounds and actions called "Do The Monkey". KK has seen them do this song several times, but this time she was completely transfixed on it. She was actually following along, bobbing her head and making ALL of the animal sounds (she chimed in late each time, but she still followed along). She even did her arm like an elephant. I was also transfixed - on her - watching the little wheels in her head turn and turn as they sang about each animal. It was so fun to see something 'clicking' for her and to see her following along independently.

After The Wiggles, there is a 5 minute show called "Go Baby". KK has been fascinated with babies lately. Yesterday, she refused to leave the house without her baby doll, Emma, as we on our way to babysitting co-op. At the end of the Go Baby show, the narrator says, "Say goodbye to Baby!" and KK chimed "BYE BABY!" and waved at the TV. I just melted.

All of this can mean only one thing: KK watches way too much television.

Oh well. Here is a 'cute outfit' picture. I think she looks a little Rambo-ish in can't tell as much in the picture, but the outfit is Army green and all of the decorations on it make her look like she's geared up. And of course the tough-looking headband makes her look like she's on a mission. : )


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