Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Visiting Pumpkins

Over the past week, we visited two pumpkin patches. KK seriously loves to hug farm animals and kiss them square on the mouth - and the animals seem to like it too, at least the goats do. I know it's gross, but I gave up trying to stop her. She also loves the little baby pumpkins, but isn't all that interested in the big ones. She picked out three little ones and she babies them all day, carrying them around the house and talking to them. Here are a few photos from our visits.

Here is my favorite photo...we have a similar picture of her from last year with the piece of hay in her mouth. She is truly Grandpa's little farm girl. : )


At 3:12 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

The one with the cow is great! And kissing the goat? I thought having Buddy Buddy kiss her was bad enough. YUK! I am so glad that you are teaching her farm stuff. Grandpa is proud of that little girl.

We love and miss you

At 11:00 AM, Blogger Addy & Emmy's Mom said...

KK is so darn cute!! I love all the pumpkin pictures!

Lots of love,

At 12:07 PM, Blogger LCP said...

Too cute, very sweet pictures at the patches. My daughter did the same thing with the farm animals at the zoo...kisses and hugs them. I think she things they are her doggy (she is only 14 months old).

Thanks for sharing.


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