Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, April 07, 2008


So this week, I have finally attacked a beast of a project that weighs on my mind about 23 hours a day: backing up my photos. Our computer is a little older and not acting happy, and my only other backup is a My B00k, which my friend Lynanne has had problems with. So, I finally decided I MUST do this before a disaster strikes. I chose flickr, and I'm not sure I'm happy with that decision. It's not free, but not necessarily expensive - and over the past couple of years I've followed a lot of flickr journeys - so I thought it was the best choice. I'm not so sure now. My uploads keep freezing, the photos are not uploaded in the same order I select them, and my sets have gotten messed up more than once. Some of this is likely user error - and I know I'm uploading up to 100 images at a time - but still. I've spent HOURS doing this and I'm not even half done.

I've also deleted about 2000 images (on purpose). Back when KK was only a few months old, even the blurry photos had to stay. They are all a moment in time that I wanted to hold onto forever, but now I'm a little more liberal with the delete button. I just can't keep 5000+ pictures, even if she is my one and only. It's painful to see them go, but I'm getting better. Now if this dang site wouldn't be such a pain in the arse!

Here are a few of my 'old' favorites:

(That's Donkey!) : )

I desperately want (want want want!) Photoshop, but then I would be seriously obsessed with this insane little hobby. And it would probably kill this old computer. For now, back to the uploading project....arrrrgh!


At 6:05 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

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At 6:05 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

I've had lots of issues with flickr, the main one was that it took several weeks for them to credit my account. Like 5 weeks after I paid for the upgrade, and at one point they suspended my entire account. Don't know what would be better though.
I have the photo of her chewing on Donkey sitting on my desk right now! Baby girl.

At 6:19 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

I *LOVE* those photos! I was just looking at the "donkey" one again yesterday. I am not kidding! I was searching through emails from you for the correct spelling of KK's name for the book I'm having the author sign for her. I haven't forgotten it. Getting the book, my friend and my brain in one location has been a challenge. I had the first 2 together Sunday but then I left my brain at home and second guessed the spelling. Yesterday, I had my friend and my brain together but left the book at home! I'll try again today. :)

As for Flickr: you can change the order in the Flickr online organizer. I'm impressed with how much you've organized/deleted. I was lazy and uploaded everything - 13,000+ photos! I use the uploader program and put them in sets by year and month. I'll go back later and organize them more. Hopefully.

Have you thought about Photoshop Elements? It's around $80-90, which seem high but much more affordable than the full version. The official website has a 30-day trial. You can purchase it cheaper from other places. Otherwise, I've heard the Picasa editor (free from google) does some of the basics.


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