Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Some things never change...

..and thankfully some things do!!!

Bon Jovi 1987:

I must preface the next photo by saying I swear that every drink was non-alchoholic! Seriously! Looks can be deceiving - Suzie is holding a juice box for crying out loud!


I think the best change is that we no longer have to MAKE our concert outfits! I mean, as hot as the red fringed ghetto shirt and Auntie Sunshine's gold lame trash-bag-dress were, it is just so much easier to buy our clothes now. (Lisa's dress was cute, but if you've read her blog lately you'd know that she actually knows how to sew!) And RED TIGHTS????? Please forgive me.

Bon Jovi 2008:
(has it really been more than TWENTY YEARS?????)

And here is a sneak peek at what I will look like at Bon Jovi in 2040:
Isn't she the cutest?

I leave you with Jon and Richie. Enjoy!


At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love it! Rock on. :-)

At 8:05 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Holy crap! A little warning please, I've got tea all over my keyboard now. The gold lame trash bag...remember how it split all the way up the side that night and we went to Embers with just a safety pin holding my dress together? I'm thinking my drink might have had some alcohol in it. At least that's going to be my excuse.

And whose gloves am I wearing? Please tell me I didn't own those. All my punk credibility just faded away. Wow.

Glad you had fun with Jon!

At 6:43 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

I remember those days as well!!

Grandma K

At 7:56 AM, Blogger me said...

NO WAY! OMG, who the heck is that guy in the 2nd pic - some random person we met in the parking lot? GEEZ! Oh wow....I remember the gold trash bag very well, lol...

Jon is still pretty as ever. :)

At 2:40 PM, Blogger KK's Mom said...

Lisa, it's my friend Robb from (of all places) church!!! He and his cousin Tony came with us to the concert. I have pictures of us with the two of them in your old living room too...haha!


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