Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, June 05, 2008

A whole lotta stuff

We don't have any particularly exciting news lately, but we sure have a whole lotta stuff going on. Daddy's truck died (on me. in a very busy intersection. during rush hour.) And we have a leaky pipe in the basement. But just look how cute my kids are: By the way, that is a sock on KK's arm. I have no idea why....

Speaking of puppies, we haven't seen them since their birthday and I'm going nuts wondering what they look like. Hopefully we'll get a chance to see them this weekend. Uncle Geoff says their eyes are opening - yay! They are going to be so much fun in a few weeks!

KK went to a birthday party at the farm this past weekend and had a fabulous time. She got to see her friends, wear a cute helmet, and ride on "Brownie".
At two years old, KK already has the uncanny ability to sniff out the birthday kid's seat so she can sit right next to them and be as close as possible to the birthday cake.
Seriously, she is really good at this. Check out the last birthday party. At least she shows a little more restraint than she did at her Cousin C’s birthday!

On Friday, KK is having her first sleepover at a friend's house. I'm sure they will have a great time. Daddy and I are going out with all of his co-workers. It should be fun for everyone!


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