Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Busy Birthday Weekend

This weekend we celebrated Grandma M's and Auntie K's birthdays. On Saturday night, Daddy and I went to an event at an art museum and KK got to spend the evening with her cousin, aunt and uncle, and birthday girl Grandma. They had such a great time! After a splashy bath (thanks for the great pic, Auntie Kar) and birthday cake, KK went home with Grandma and we met up with her there.

On Sunday morning we went to brunch at a cool restaurant that is next to an airport runway. It was fun to watch the planes taking off and landing right from our table, especially for the kids. (Here is a bad pic, but you get the idea.)
After brunch, KK and Daddy went to see her Grandpa M.
After Grandpa's, they met up with me at another aunt and uncle's house. When they got there, I was already snuggled up on the couch with the best cuddler of all, KK's cousin H. (These initials are annoying, I know, but I'm not ready to use names. I'm sure I'll let them all slip at some point, but until then...sorry.)
I could kiss that pretty face all day! H is such a sweet girl, and she gives the BEST hugs! It was a very busy, and very nice weekend. Even though we live near Daddy's family, we don't get to see them as often as we'd like. It was nice to spend the weekend with everyone.

Happy Birthday Grandma and Auntie K!


At 6:47 AM, Blogger Heather said...

Looks like everyone had a great time!!

Oh, and feel free to link to my blog if you are so inclined. I don't mind at all, but thanks for asking first.


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