Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


It's amazing how quickly KK is learning and imitating. Today, Daddy told me that she could count to three and could identify the colors blue and green. I kind of chuckled and raised my eyebrows...but sure enough, she (sort of) did it. She can repeat the words "one" "two" "three" (which isn't really counting, but...) and she can identify a couple of specific things that are blue and say "blue" when she sees them. She can also identify a couple of specific things that are green, but the word "green" comes out as a roar (like she's imitating a lion) instead of the word green. This is because Daddy says, "What's your favorite color??? GRRREEEEEEEEN!" It sounds like a roar to me too.

Tonight, Daddy came downstairs without KK and I asked where she was. He said she was on her way down. Huh?!?! By herself?!?!?! I almost ran to get her, but Daddy stopped me and asked me to just watch. She actually got down the entire staircase by herself. I was a little uncomfortable that nobody was right behind her to stop her quickly if she fell. (Later tonight she did fall down the last couple of stairs, but was fine.) I guess she has to learn by doing, and while I think I'm pretty good at letting her explore her independence, sometimes I'm a little overprotective. It is fun to see the two of them playing and learning together. Daddy gives her just a little more encouragement with the scary stuff than I do!

Auntie Sunshine will be amused to learn that KK loves shoes just like her Mommy does. If you ever go to NYC with her, be prepared to shop! Unfortunately, the shoes she is wearing in this picture aren't cute at all, but she's not picky. Any shoes will do, mine or Daddy's. (She's not begging for Manolo's yet, thank goodness!)


At 6:11 AM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

I'll still take KK shoe shopping in New York, now I just know to bring a book. So, what size shoe is my girl wearing now anyway?

At 11:01 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Great photo!!! She's getting so big! This is such a fun age. I think she probably knows and understands more than she can communicate. She sounds like such a smart gal!


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