Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving AND Santa!

We had a nice Thanksgiving and a great weekend! On Thanksgiving morning, Daddy and I ran/walked the 'Thanksgiving Day 4 Mile' while KK hung out with Grandma M. (I finished in 51:54, and placed 26th in my class [out of 223] which is pretty cool. I had a lot of support and encouragement from Daddy and his running team, and that helped a lot.) Afterward, we had a traditional Thanksgiving dinner and some friends stopped by to visit. Mostly we just hung around the house and relaxed. Perfect.

On Friday morning, we were some of the crazy shoppers braving the crowds and lines at Target and Kohl's. We stood in line for over an hour at Kohl's (well, Grandma really stood in line while I chased KK around the store and tried to keep her entertained). We did this a couple of years ago too, and I think it is fun AND crazy at the same time. That afternoon, Daddy's Godparents stopped by to say hello. Unfortunately, Daddy was hunting and missed them, but we still had a very nice visit.
On Saturday we had a Christmas party to go to, and KK got to hang out with Grandma M some more. That night, she thought it would be fun to be awake from 1:00-4:00 A.M.!!! I even spent an hour driving her around town trying to get her to sleep. It didn't work. All it took was a half gallon of milk, and she finally fell asleep again. Sigh.

Today, we went to see Santa Claus!!!!
We started a tradition last year to go visit Santa at the same place Daddy went when he was little, and we love it! After the long night, I was worried that KK would be so tired and cranky that she wouldn't want to have anything to do with sitting on the lap of a big, bearded stranger - but she warmed up to him pretty quickly and did great! Her cousin C got to see Santa too, though he also needed a little warming up time. Eventually they both spent some time with Santa and everyone was happy!
Thanksgiving is barely over, and it's ALREADY beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!!


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