Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, December 01, 2006

Fare thee well, Greg Wiggle.

As a former children's choir director, I am probably more interested in children's music than the typical parent. I actually love listening to kids music in the car and definitely know the words to more children's songs than regular songs. I also love watching kids TV shows...the more music and songs in them the better. So, I was very sad to learn that Greg The Yellow Wiggle will be leaving The Wiggles due to health problems. This morning as we faithfully watched The Wiggles, I actually got teary eyed more than once. This is one of KK's favorite shows and I hate to see it change - it has enough singing and dancing and colors to keep her interested for the entire program (not the mention the bonus of the "Go Baby" show that follows). She LOVES it! I also think it is sad when someone has to stop doing something they love because of their health.

So, even though Purple Wiggle Jeff is my favorite (partly because I think he may be Native American - Navajo specifically, based on his appearance and last name...) we will miss Greg Wiggle very much. Goodbye Greg Wiggle, we wish you the best.

On a happier note, today was babysitting co-op Friday and we hosted at our house. The kids were wonderful. This group has been playing together since they were only a couple of months old and they do SO well with each other. Today they were all really fascinated with the snow outside, and loved looking out (and banging on) the windows while one of the other moms and I played with all of the toys. : )


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