Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, December 04, 2006

Getting ready, and a visit from Dave

On Wednesday, KK and I are going to visit our friends and family in Minnesota. This will be KK's fifth trip there. On all of the previous trips, she has been a great flyer...but she also didn't know how to walk. I have a feeling this trip might be a bit more of a challenge. We bought a portable DVD player, and hopefully her love of Baby Einstein will keep her happy during the flight. So, for the past couple of days we've been getting ready for the trip and trying to get a good start on Christmas shopping so it's not too crazy when we get home.

On Sunday night, my good friend Dave from junior high and high school stayed with us as he traveled through town on business. Well, he actually traveled well out of his way to see us, which was so nice of him! All three of us (Dave, Daddy, and me) stayed up late catching up on news and reminiscing. He's doing terrific and it was great to spend some time with him. Of course his visit was way too short. We're hoping that maybe someday he and his wife can come visit and stay a little longer...or that we can go out to see them in California. And of course we have our 20 year class reunion to look forward to very soon. Did I just really type 20 YEAR class reunion and very soon in the same sentence??? I think I hear my bones creaking...


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