Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, December 02, 2006

KK is 16 months old!

What a fun month this has been! If I could use one word to describe KK's personality lately, it would have to be "funny." She has a way of making us laugh, and her own laugh just melts me completely. The mirror is her best friend; she loves to dance and make silly faces for herself. She still does her cute looks out of the corners of her eyes, or with her head down and her eyes up. She has also started making devious "I know I shouldn't be doing this, but watch me do it anyway" faces. She often makes sure you're watching her before she starts to go for something she shouldn't. She is just so darn cute!

KK's vocabulary is developing quickly. She knows too many words for me to list, but her latest are: light, hot!, please, more, no, day, one-two-three, yellow, blue, and a raspy little roar sound for green. Most of the words are very clear, but a few of them still need some work.

While she has been doing better with eating, she's still hit or miss. We've tried having her use a baby spoon a couple of times but she's not really interested. She did use a baby fork the other day, but she gagged herself on the first bite and then refused to try again. Plates and bowls are also a joke - even if they suction onto the highchair tray, she can get them off and onto the floor in half a second. She'll drink from a sippy cup or from a straw, and with help she can drink from a cup. However, she is still VERY attached to the "ba-ba." Besides two bites of an apple the other day, she's still not going for whole/solid fruits or veggies (except for corn and bananas). Most of her food ends up on the floor. She seems to be growing fine, and she's definitely getting heavier, so we'll just have to be patient and let her go at her own pace.

Today was also my 36th birthday, so KK and I shared a birthday cake. This is one food she keeps saying "more!" to!

Happy 16 month birthday KK!


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