Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quack Quack, Scooby Snack (AARRRR!)

Happy Halloween! I have a bazillion photos to share, hope you don't mind. : ) We are so lucky to have so many wonderful people to celebrate with! Our planned costume this year was an adorable yellow duck, which KK wore to several of her (seven!) activities. Then on Monday, our friend J's mommy learned that KK is a big Sc00by D00 fan. The next day, a new costume arrived in the mail that they weren't using - and once KK saw it, the duck was pretty much history.

Quack quack! (She wouldn't wear the head.)

Going to the farm

Playgroup friends

Office kids


Neighbor kids at the school event

The company where I used to work does a theme each year. This year it was a storybook theme, and one of the departments did 'Twas the Night Bef0re Christm@s.)

Going trick or treating with Daddy.

KK was so much fun this year and she really got into the Halloween spirit. She loves greeting other kids in their costumes, knocking on doors, saying 'trick-or-treat' and putting candy in her treat bag. And she loves the sugar...don't ever believe it if someone tells you sugar is not a drug - particularly if it comes in the form of cotton candy!

Oh, and why is "AARRRR" in the title? Because that's what a pirate says!
It's been a fun week, but I'm glad next Halloween is a whole year away.... : )


At 9:43 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Oh my goodness! Both costumes are just adorable. My kids had more than one costume several years, usually because I wasn't finished making the one they wanted to wear.

She's such a sweetheart. And Scooby? Good TV. That's what I'm talking about.

At 9:52 PM, Blogger KK's Mom said...

Auntie Sunshine, you make the AWESOMEist costumes!

KK has watched Scooby once, by accident. She's been hooked on all-things-Scooby ever since. I don't mind; Scooby stickers have worked wonders with potty training!!!! Now I just have to teach her that carrots are Scooby Snacks!

At 6:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KK's just such a social child. Good job, Sharon. You are a good mom.

Carrie was a huge Scooby fan, also. We still have tons of Scooby stuff around. (Maybe I'll round it all up and drop it off at your mom's.) If Carrie lets me, that is. I think that (secretly) she still is fond of Scooby. Carrie once told June Sibell that she was going to marry Scooby. She was about 3 at the time.

Carrie's Mom

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Did she see Minnie Mouse behind her??

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Lynanne said...

So cute! She makes such an adorable duck and Scooby.

When I got to the pirate costume, I almost wet myself laughing so hard! Too funny!!!!

At 9:06 AM, Blogger Terri Mork Speirs said...

Hi S! OMG these pictures are soooo cute and Auntie Sunshine's comments are making me wish I had made costumes even just once ever in my life. Next year, that is my goal. Seriously. Thanks for posting. Your doggie *almost* catches up to KK in cutness, but not quite. ;-) Love, T

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

Oh those costumes are just so adorable. She is quite the cutie!


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