Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

He's THAT beautiful

I was on my way to bed tonight when I hit the "FAV" button on the remote by accident. It must be my lucky night, because A&E is doing a Bon J0vi special promoting his new tour. Looks like I'll be up a while.

"Hello again, it’s you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin' wine, killing time
Trying to solve life’s mysteries.
How’s your life, it’s been a while
God it’s good to see you smile..."

Ahhhh, can Richie and Jon write a bad song??? And Jon's smile...seriously makes me melt. Ticket sales for their upcoming concert opened this past Friday. Our obsessed group of 10 friends are the proud holders of 20 tickets (and 8 of them are mine all mine!!!) Yes, he really IS that beautiful.

Music Videos - (You Want To) Make a Memory


At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is the concert? I saw him on SNL last night - pretty funny. Are you going to sit in all 8 seats by yourself?? :-)

At 9:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, he's pretty alright.......and you totally suck! Maybe Shanna will let you borrow her gold trash bag. :)



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