Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I do not heart flickr

I still have a long way to go with the uploading, but have run into another annoyance. So flickr has this great deal with Target where you can order prints online and just pick them up...but your only choice is glossy prints. I prefer matte. I much prefer matte. So I called Target to see if I could call ahead and request matte instead of glossy (like I can do at Walgreens) and they DON'T DO MATTE. Ever. At all. WTH? Sure, I can order matte prints through the mail, but then I have to pay an arm and a leg for shipping.


So - tell me why glossy are just as good as matte? Or do I start over and just upload all of my pictures to the Walgreens site....and tell flickr to FLICKR OFF!?

Thanks for all of the tips Lynanne, you're the best. I have used Picasa, but not very much. Usually just to get rid of redeye or switch to B&W, but I haven't done any of the creative stuff. Elements would be perfect - I always stop to drool over the box at Sam's Club, and it's certainly a great price, but I just can't bring myself to turn my life over to it yet. I will get it soon, though - once I get this uploading project done. And the scrapbooks started. (Well, so maybe not soon...) : )


At 5:50 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

I use for my processing. Ritz and Proex are the same company, in MN anyway. I've got a membership there so the prints are a lot cheaper and you earn free prints with the money you spend.

I hate glossy.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

I don't like glossy either, and it makes me mad that Target only prints glossy!
Costco is probably the cheapest, if you have that around.

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Jenny said...

I am a big Picasa fan, they have some great creative tools for a freeware program.

I use Snapfish and print locally to Walgreens and they do matte. Check them out!

At 7:29 AM, Blogger LCP said...

Yea, I don't like glossy much either. Too many chances to get finger prints and smudges.

I use Snapfish...but mainly because my whole family does. Kodak is nice too. I would LOVE to try picasa too...but not ready for the bill yet!


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