Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

No Needles Tattoo Co

Are you looking for a fun and creative gift for the littlest ones in your life? Check out Auntie Sunshine’s new store!!

This is the one she made for KK on her first birthday...I love it! She can paint ANYTHING, and will do custom orders too. Go check it out and tell all your friends! : )

Tonight I am working on my last two months of deleting/backing up of photos. Lordy. This was a bigger mess than I even realized. At least 5000 images have been deleted, and I've backed up nearly 3000. Flickr is history for this purpose - but I will be using it to organize my very favorite pics of KK and will give everyone access when it is done. I have spent LOTS of hours on this crazy project and I'm thrilled to be almost done. Unfortunately, between staying up until 2am working on it and then getting up early every day to cover my boss at work while she is on vacation, I have made myself sick. My throat is SO sore and I want to sleep for a week. Oh well, I feel so much better knowing that if this computer crashes, my little treasures won't be lost.

Of course I have still made time to take MORE pictures, but apparently I'm too tired to focus the camera very well. Heh.


At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:41 PM, Blogger Lynanne said...

Now that is some serious talent, whoa! Great etsy idea, too!


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