Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, May 09, 2008

Fly fly away...

Yesterday our neighbor waved for us to come over to her yard. She had some monarch butterflies that she was releasing. She had one left, and offered to let KK release it. While she was interested in looking, KK had NO interest in holding it or letting it crawl on her. Apparently all of the other monarchs flew away immediately, but this one hung around. KK watched curiously as it drank for a long time from the flowers; after awhile it joined its friends and fluttered away to freedom.


At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh how i heart that second photo! what an angel! and i'd kill for her hair!

too lazy to sign in, or capitalize for that matter.

xoxo, sunny


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