Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, May 18, 2008

You can call her Tiger

With the beautiful weather we had this weekend, Daddy decided it was time to take his little girl to play her first round of golf. She had her own clubs and balls (from her first birthday...Daddy has been very patient) so we packed them up and headed to the course. She loved everything about it, but probably loved driving the golf cart best. Then again, maybe her favorite was the yellow golf ball that she found and tried to sneak to bed with her that night. Or maybe it was putting with Daddy's help, which they both took very seriously. Whichever her favorite, I'd say she had a wonderful time......and I'm sure there are many more games of golf in the future.


At 10:47 AM, Blogger Bobbie said...

Futher pro golfer!! What style!
Looking forward to Memorial weekend!!

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Jamie said...

This is SOOOO cute! :)


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