Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Monday, May 05, 2008

We're back! With pictures!

While KK and I were in Minnesota I caught a nasty bug (on top of my cold) and we haven't had much fun around here for a while. It has been up and down - I've had a couple of okay days in the middle of some pretty horrible ones and I'm just now starting to feel human again. The only good thing that happened was that I lost seven pounds; unfortunately most of them are already back and I'm sure the rest are on their way. Beyond that, I'll spare you any further details and I'm sure you'll thank me. : )

Our week in Minnesota was wonderful despite the bug. KK got spoiled rotten as usual, and I had a lot of help with her while I was sick. We had at least one day of great weather and got to enjoy some favorite places and people.

We spent lots of time snuggling and playing with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Rod and Auntie Shawna:

KK swiped ALL of Auntie Shawna's Care Bears from her desk, and Uncle Rod helped her take inventory...

We got to hang out with Auntie Sunshine and the boys too. We celebrated birthdays and mohawks and had a special playdate with Ruby and Auntie Sunshine's parents!

(Above: How many 'cell phone bars' do you have?)

(Above: Lovely picture of my daughter, no? Yes, it was the best one.)

We visited Minnehaha Falls, one of my favorite places ever. I spent a lot of time there as a kid, as a teenager, and especially in the mid-90's after I got my bike. One of these days KK is going to ride with me on the F0rt Snelling Trail and we'll hike around on Pike Island. (Note to anyone with money and time for a startup: South Minneapolis needs a good bike rental shop!!!)

Of course since we were in Minnesota, we had to bowl! KK bowled her first game alongside Grandpa and his league of retired friends (sooooo cute!!!)Grandpa even gave her some expert pointers...

KK got to bowl again with Auntie Sunshine at a fundraiser for ProChoice Resources. Grandpa's tips must have been good, because I think she took second place!

On our last day, KK thought the sky opened and dropped heaven into her lap. I was pretty sick, so Auntie Sunshine took her to "Nickel0deon Universe" at M@ll of Americ@ where she personally met Diego, Dora, Backpack, Map, Spongebob and more! It was four hours of pure joy for her - she is still talking about it. (She still doesn't want to go on the school bus ride again, though. haha!) She also came home with lots of presents, and then found even MORE presents in a special carry-on bag Auntie Sunshine gave her for the plane ride home. What a sweetheart. I swiped these pictures from Auntie Sunshine's blog- there are more there you can go see. KK had the time of her life - and thank you for saving me for a few hours, Sunshine! We already can't wait to go back, except next time I hope the bugs stay away!


At 6:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great trip. Glad you are finally feeling better. Colin wants to know when he can play with KK again -- but she better not tell him about Dora and Diego or I'll never hear the end of how Colin wants to go too... :-)

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Auntie Sunshine said...

Wow, nice fat roll in those bowling photos. No more pictures from behind please.

KK looks great though and that's all anyone will notice, right? Miss you guys already! xoxo


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