Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, April 18, 2008

M is for Minnesota

My friend Lynanne sent KK the most special gift...a personalized and signed copy of "M is for Minnesota" - she has a connection to the author (shame on me for cutting off the author's name in the photo below. It is Dori Hillestad Butler!) It is such a great book; Ms. Butler chose the perfect things to represent each letter.
The arrival of this gift was great timing, too, because guess where we are??? Yah, sure...we are in Minne-soh-ta, yah know?! (The longer I am away, the stronger the accents are when I return, and I LOVE it!) We'll be here for a week visiting friends and family - it's so good to be here! Thank you so much, Lynanne, you know how much KK and I love the book!

P.S. We do miss you Daddy and BuddyBuddy!
P.P.S. Do you think KK could have flown us here herself with those airplane wing ponies?! : )


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