Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Breaking away from the dust bunnies

Every new year, I, like many others, clean out the house and try to lighten things up in the closets and drawers. This year I'm nesting like a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy. Except I'm not pregnant. I have spent the first month of 2009 buried in closets and drawers, loading up boxes of stuff to give away. And I'm not done yet. Does this stuff ever end??? Of course I have never had three years of baby and toddler stuff to go through. And remember those scrapbooks I vowed to get done last year? I don't even want to talk about it. Let's talk about KK instead!

She is so. much. fun. FUN FUN FUN! That is not to say that she does not challenge me to my wits end on a daily basis, but she is just so spunky and cute and says the funniest things. Like, "Hey mom. My horse?? It's FORTY POUNDS!" and "Mom, can I wear my toot toot to dance class?" Random cuteness. I love it. Since I've been buried in old Creedence Cle@rwater Revival CD's and dust bunnies, these are about the only pictures I have taken of KK since Christmas. If the last post didn't make you realize what a champ our BuddyBuddy is...witness this:

Did you notice the "bandage" on his back leg? Such a good little patient. He has his naughty moments too, though. Like when he found a Cinderella PomPom and just couldn't resist giving it a few shakes. As you can see, KK recovered it in the nick of time. Just a few more piles of stuff to go through, and then hopefully we'll be back to more regular posting. If nothing is posted in a week or two, someone please come and dig me out from under the piles of junk in the basement. That's next!

Monday, January 05, 2009

Welcome, 2009!

We haven't fallen off the face of the earth; I just can't stand how slow our computer is (due to a dead memory chip and my lack of ability to delete photos even if they are backed up) so I've been avoiding turning it on. A new one should arrive shortly - we just need to place the order. I thought I better post something though, before a Grandma gets unruly. : )

The holidays were nice, but some plans needed to be rearranged. Grandma and Grandpa K were planning to fly out to spend the holidays with us, but Great-Grandma (who recently turned 90) fell and broke her hip...or more probably broke her hip and then fell. Either way, she needed surgery and Grandma and Grandpa stayed home to take care of her. She is doing okay -- she's in a rehab facility and has up days and down days, but overall she is the toughest cookie I know and is working hard to recover. I love you, Grandma.

We did get to spend quite a bit of time with Daddy's family which was very nice. Lots of dinners together and an almost raw (but not evaporated!!!) turkey. Long story. I'll save that one for another day. The good news is that nobody starved.

The holidays are over and I love this time of year. The days are getting longer, and I can almost smell spring. Okay, maybe not quite smell...but we're closer than we were a week ago! I guess I should just admit that I'm a bit of a grinch - but I'd really prefer to say that I just love Valentine's Day way more. And Easter. And President's Day. Bah Humbug. It's not that I don't like the holidays, I just don't love them. Having KK makes it all way more fun, and I think she enjoyed every moment which makes it worth it.

I believe this machine might explode if I try to download one. more. image. So, I don't have any Christmas pictures to post yet. In the meantime, here are the pictures we used for our Christmas card (hastily put together at the last minute, as always). May your 2009 be filled with Peace, Love, and...