Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Pre-school: Round 2

First day of 4 year old pre-school: 2009-2010 school year.

Sorry, I couldn't choose a favorite picture! Four years later, she still takes my breath doubt, she always will. xoxo

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Dribble dribble KICK!

Soccer is back, and what a difference a year makes!

Suited up for her first game, with her biggest fan by her side (well, maybe third biggest fan): The first play didn't go so well. As soon as the ball moved, she ran straight for Daddy crying. He gave her a little pep talk... did Coach Tiffany Then something clicked and on the very next play, she took off with the ball... ...and SCORED!!!!
Then she ran straight into the arms of a very happy and proud Daddy! After that, there was no turning back! I had NO IDEA how competitive and really good four year olds could be! I thought it was going to be a free-for-all, but they really knew (for the most part) what they were supposed to do. It was awesome, and a morning that I will always remember. The game was pretty long, and toward the end KK got a little tired. (You can always tell when the hair twirling begins.) Tired or not, she played to the end and I'm pretty sure had fun too! We're very proud of you TLK!!!