Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Badder Bloggy Mama

Whew! It has been a busy couple of weeks. Cousin C had a big birthday, and of course KK had to get in on the birthday action. C was very sweet and let KK have a turn blowing out candles on his really cool volcano/dinosaur cake.
We had some special friends and Grandma M here for Easter (can you believe I didn't take ANY pictures on Easter?!? GAH!) It was a very low-key day, which is just how we like it.

I finished the big project for our church (because Uncle Geoff feels bad when I say I did it for him, even though I was more than happy to do it). It took around 30 hours to complete, but what I did is a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what the actual project will be. It's pretty amazing.

KK has been a handful as usual, but of course a lot of fun. She has become the sweetest little helper - she wants to help with everything. We made a good ol' midwestern dish that was right up her alley...tater tot hot dish! She was thrilled to use her organizational skills to line up the tater tots all by herself.
Everyone who knows Daddy will completely agree that this next picture proves that she is Daddy's girl:
Auntie Sunshine sent her some fun Elm0 undie$ for Easter - which of course double as cute hats.
She loves dressing up in all kinds of other interesting oufits:

(yes, they were clean!)

Her newest oddity is that she has fallen in love with "donkey." Yes, I know that "donkey" is really a giraffe. And SHE knows that "donkey" is really a giraffe, but when you have fallen in love with Shrek's best friend Donkey, you use your imagination. He goes everywhere we do, and sleep is impossible without him.

KK just got over a bad cough and some sniffles a couple of days ago, so hopefully we'll all be getting a little more sleep. The weather has been wonderful, and I am so glad spring has sprung! And what better way to welcome spring than saying "Hello again, it's you and me..." to Jon Bon Jovi? Less than 48 hours to go. : )

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Bad Bloggy Mama

It's been a while since an update - sorry Mom. xoxo. We have a lot of little things keeping us very busy. Mostly fun and helpful projects like fundraising for K's music school, doing a project for our church (really for Uncle Geoff), helping a few people with resumes, and getting the word out about a special 5k event. We're also moving forward on fixing the shower tile situation. And working a lot. And, most importantly, taking care of a wonderfully busy 2 1/2 year old. : ) So, due to a lack of coherent thinking, here are some random KK photos with miscellaneous updates.

KK is now sitting at the table for meals. The highchair was so convenient, but a natural transition occurred and now it's table time. Which frees up the highchair for other babies....namely ADDY! (Do you see her? She looks so little next to monster girl!) The other day K was asking and pleading for her "tomato" and pointing at a kitchen cabinet. She had been attached to a plastic tomato that was part of her fake food set, but when I found it for her she still wasn't satisfied. "Tomato! Tomato! Tomaatooooh!" It took me awhile to figure out what she wanted...Play-doh! I had stored a container of it in the cabinet before I moved it to her craft bin. She finally led me to the craft bin and the lightbulb went off. Now we play with "tomato" while mommy cooks. : )

Back to Addy! On Sunday I got a whole evening of Addy time, just for me! I was nice and shared a few minutes with Daddy and KK - who was very eager to help. It's obvious that Addy is a beautiful baby, but she is also the sweetest, calmest, happiest-go-lucky baby ever. Seriously. I adored having her here for the evening and can't wait to see her again! So what is it with kids not eating the edges of sandwiches? Even if I cut the crust off, K still just eats the middle. Check this out...someone has gone from being a total "scribbler" to being very particular about coloring inside the lines! (Sort of.) We still need to work on color choices. heh. KK is in big girl undie$ all day now, with no potty accidents! The 'other function' is 50/50, but we'll get there. She is also usually dry after her nap, but overnight is an issue - we still wake up with 20 pound pu11-ups. But, since she is still in her crib and not very good with getting her clothes on or off, we can't expect anything else. I'm sure she'll be in a big girl bed soon, but she doesn't try to get out of the crib yet so I'm taking advantage of it. She did ask for a pillow, so now she sleeps with a little pillow most of the time. What a big girl she is getting to be!

Our playgroup had a movie day yesterday and we tried watching Nem0 on a big screen. It lasted about 10 minutes before playing a keyboard and ring-around-the-rosie became much more entertaining. A random mama note: I went to a chiropractor on Monday (first time in at least 20 years, compliments of my acupuncturist) and it was amazing! Even the chiropractor was shocked at how much noise these old bones made as he put them back where they belong! I can actually move like a human again. It's nice.

I haven't been able to comment on others' blogs very much, I'm sorry. I am visiting though, and will be back to commenting soon!

Monday, March 03, 2008

Weekend Highlights

This weekend's highlight was a visit to see Baby Addy, Uncle Geoff and Auntie Jill. You'll have to visit Addy's site to see all the cuteness. (Plus you'll be able to see bonus pictures of Addy there! She is so beautiful!) We were sent home with a bottle of Uncle Geoff's Princess Peach wine. We can't wait to have them over to share it with us!

I was a bit distracted with blogging about the appliances last week, so I didn't post about the REAL highlight of LAST weekend...a visit from Grandma M, Uncle Ry, Auntie K, and Cousin C !!! The kids had so much fun playing and watching a dinosaur movie! (They were a little too busy with the movie and didn't want to pose for any pictures...can you tell they are related?) : )