Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A great big "Verry Christmas Tree!"

Last week, KK was in her first Christmas program at preschool. It was adorable - she sang three songs with her class, but of course you couldn't really understand them. At least they repeated "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with some gusto. (KK is in the back row, fourth from the right.)

After they sang, SANTA showed up for a surprise visit. Someone was very excited - you'll never guess who!

Since we couldn't really understand their songs very well, KK repeated one as a solo. Here she is, counting herself in. Have a "Verry Christmas!"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Cocoa POPS!

I mean that as a verb, not a noun! I was baking for a cookie exchange and my darling little girl was being a very helpful assistant. When it was time to open the cocoa container, she was watching intently as I pulled up the foil seal. POOF! Cocoa powder exploded out in a poofy brown cloud, all over her face and hair! She took it like a champ, even though it got into her eyes, probably because Daddy and I were laughing hysterically. Here is a chocolate covered treat that won't add any pounds!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa x 2

Last weekend Daddy, KK and I had the honor of having brunch with Santa. Santa was so sweet and good with K, I practically melted into the floor. She asked for a My L!ttle P0ny, and I think there is a fair chance that he will bring her one. How could he resist the wishes of a little girl who asks him for Eskimo Kisses??

On Saturday, we also visited Santa at our traditional location with KK's cousin C. This is the same place Daddy went when he was little. This year Santa was outside, and it was a bit windy and cold so we didn't stay long at all. The kids still enjoyed seeing him (and KK still wanted a My L!ttle P0ny!)

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Family Vacation

As if we could be any luckier, KK's Grandma M provided us with the gift of airfare to Mexico for Thanksgiving week, along with KK's cousin C and his parents and Grandma herself! We all spent the week playing on the beach, swimming in the pools, eating a lot of ice cream, and drinking fruity cocktails on the sand. K had so much fun with her cousin - an entire week of playtime together with so much to do! I think it's safe to say that we all had a great time - even Daddy, who was sick for a good portion of the trip. Here are a few shots from the trip...

It's been a busy week with work, preschool, other business stuff, K's activities, decorating for the holidays, and trying to catch up with laundry full of sand. No complaints here...I wouldn't have it any other way. It's nice to have found a few moments to be back on the blog again.

Thank you for the GREAT vacation Grandma M, we hope you had as much fun as we did!!!!!