Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pretty in pink

KK's toes are pink! I don't know why it felt like such a big deal to paint her toenails - even though she still has beautiful itty bitty baby toes, she seems so much more a big girl now. Of course she LOVES them! She has to tell everyone she sees that she has "Pink toes!!!" I had another embarrassing "KK Speaks" moment today. We live in a smallish community with very little diversity; ethnically, it's extremely bland and boring. The only exception seems to be during the school year when the college football players move in. It's so obvious that it is disturbing to me; the fact that I even notice is so converse to the community in which I was raised. Anyway, at the grocery store today there was a black woman shopping near us. KK waved at her excitedly and said loud enough for the entire store to hear, "HI OPRAH!!!" The sweet and gracious woman laughed and smiled. It was a compliment, afterall! (She did have Oprah's most recent longer hairstyle, so KK wasn't totally out in left field!) Ahhh, out of the mouths of babes...

Have a good day!

Monday, September 24, 2007

KK's still growing!

The past couple of weeks have been busy, exciting, fun, and a little challenging. Grandma and Grandpa K were here to visit, along with some special family friends - Kay and Ken. They were here for a week and we did lots of exploring and visiting. KK got spoiled silly with gifts and attention. Unfortunately, on the first day they were here, Daddy played in his first soccer game in over 13 years and was reminded that he is not 21 anymore by rupturing his achilles tend0n. Poor Daddy! He had surgery and is going through a painful recovery that is expected to last up to a year. He has a little cart to ride around on, but it also has dangers as he's learned the hard way (to salvage a little of his pride, I won't get into details of the cart mishap...and if you talk to him, you may not want to mention it.) : )

KK is cuter than ever. At the park a couple of days ago she met a new friend named Chris. When we were leaving, Chris said "Nice to meet you, KK!" She walked over to him, grabbed his right hand with hers and shook it and said "Nice to meet you!" It was so cute - and a reminder that she watches EVERYTHING we do and is a total sponge.

She continues to be a reader, sitting happily by herself paging through books and babbling as she goes. She still loves wearing 'hats' of any shape or size.
Auntie Sunshine sent a box of MN State Fair goodies - this is where the pickle 'hat' came from. This very special delivery included mini-donuts and saltwater taffy, but they didn't last long enough to get photgraphed. Thank you Auntie Sunshine - the box made my year! : )

KK's love for Mickey M0use lives on, but she has severed all ties with the W1ggles. They have been replaced by an occasional date with Thomas and Friends. She also saw a preview of some penguin show with a silly little character with a flatulence issue. Now she makes fart noises with her mouth and then laughs hysterically. She is so silly, I love it!

And FINALLY, KK gained some weight!! She was steady at 25 pounds for a couple of months - now she's 26.3! And her hair grew, too, just a little!

The computer is still not put together - the replacement keyboard arrived broken so we have to wait for yet another...

Life is good, and we hope you are doing great too!

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Hi!!!! I'm able to do a quick drive-by post, yay! We are not entirely functional as the computer is still missing its keyboard - but we can work around that for now. Daddy will be using the computer for work for the next few days (I can already hear him explaining why the insides are all exposed...) so I won't have access for a while again after tonight. I wanted to post a little update as to what KK is up to. The answer is being two!!!! She is so much fun, and very hard to keep up with. Besides climbing into bathtubs fully clothed (the story was that Daddy sent her up for her bath while I was running the water - I stepped into another room to get a phone number and she just jumped right in. Scary! Thank goodness I found her quickly!) she is also climbing up on the kitchen table to smell flowers and get into other mischief. Because of my computer woes, I haven't downloaded the picture of her putting on "lip gloss" with a black Sharpie marker...

She loves to dress up in various cowboy hats (ALL hats are cowboy hats) and push her Mickey collection around in her baby stroller. She still holds conferences with her toy friends and has started lecturing to them. She stands in front of them and talks away. So cute!
She and Mickey are getting potty trained together, without much success - but I really haven't been trying very hard. Speaking of that, here is my top-five list of reasons why I am not too serious about potty training:

5. KK thinks Mickey always has to go potty too - but instead, he usually goes swimming. Ew.
4. Sometimes I can't get her to sit on the potty without screaming.
3. Sometimes I can't get her to get off of the potty without screaming.
2. I just don't understand the need to grab the rim of every toilet while sticking your whole head in the bowl to say "See! I did it!!!"
1. Public restrooms. (Combine that with #2, and I'll wait to train her until she's 10 thankyouverymuch!)

Grandma and Grandpa K, along with some close family friends, are coming to visit on Wednesday, so it's going to be a fun week! Hopefully we'll be able to update more frequently soon. And to my blogger-friends...I am keeping up with you, sorry I haven't been able to comment lately...I'll be back!