Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

If she saw herself...

...she'd probably say "Ho Ho Ho!"
Yesterday I went to the dollar store (add that to T@rget on the list of places I should NEVER be allowed to go) and found a couple of dress up items to celebrate KK's first day at daycare. Introducing Princess KK! (in true princess form she refused to look at me most of the time, so you get the back view...)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Off to school! (aka: A Very Busy Day)

Today was the first day for KK to attend "real" daycare on a regular basis. She will only be going one day a week, and probably only for the next couple of months, so it isn't a huge change... but I do think it is an important milestone for us. She has actually gone to this center before on a drop-in basis (when I was taking exams or was helping Daddy in his office) so it wasn't an entirely new experience. She marched right into her classroom with no hesitation; she was ready to go!

Within minutes, they had her in a high chair trying new foods (a bagel with cream cheese!)
According to her teachers, Juniper and Janet, (that sounds like a cartoon on Nickelode*n!) KK was a joy to have in class and she was a darling little girl all day. She even napped for an hour and a half. In a room with other kids! While laying on a mat on the floor! Juniper and Janet must wear capes and carry magic wands as soon as the parents leave. : ) When I came back to pick her up, I peeked through the classroom window and she appeared to be doing great. They were getting ready to go outside, so I let her stay to play with her new friends while I got to know her teachers a little better. They told me that KK made a special little friend right off the bat, Caiden, and they played together most of the day. I think we'll be very happy at this center.

So what did I do with my "day off"? I came home and picked up the house, brought Daddy lunch, went to acupunture (I {heart} acupuncture!), made an appointment to have my brows waxed later this week (I do NOT {heart} brow waxing, but some things just must be done). I also worked on getting donations for KK's music school's online silent auction fundraiser happening next month. The school offers music classes and lessons to every family regardless of ability to pay and I think that is awesome. I was just elected to the board of directors for the school, and I'm very excited to be doing something new. I suck at asking people for things though, so today wasn't easy, but I did it anyway.

Next week I will start working on a temporary basis for the company I worked for before KK came along. I'm looking forward to the project and getting to spend a little time with my work friends!

Tonight we squeezed in a quick visit to a first birthday party for the little girl who just moved in across the street. We didn't stay long because tonight was also Mom's Night Out! The girls and I went to a great Thai restaurant and then to Cold Stone for ice cream. Yum!!!

A bit of bad news today is that my Grandma won't be coming out with my parents for Easter next weekend. She has some health issues, and the docs aren't allowing her to fly or be in the higher altitude. I am very sad, but of course her health is the number one priority. We love you Great Grandma G! We'll miss you next week, but we'll see you this summer at the family reunion! xoxo

Monday, March 26, 2007

Subtle Reflection

Staring at this photo stirred up some pretty strong emotions and memories of KK's vanishing twin. Something about her "barely there" reflection hit me in a soft place. Anyway, I've been playing with my new camera and I love it - although I still don't know what I'm doing most of the time. One thing I know: as far as lighting goes, if you live in a house facing north you'd might as well live in an underground cave. Our house is always so dark! (As far as photograpy lighting goes, anyway.) I'm not complaining, I'm very happy with our house, but more natural light would be sooooo lovely. I took this picture at a friend's house today while KK was gazing out of an east-facing window. If we ever move, we'll face east or west. Definitely. In the meantime I guess I'll just have to save up for some umbrella lamps and Photosh*p! : )

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The cuteness to come...

When KK was first born, Auntie Sunshine sent her these ADORABLE little shoes. (Thank you, Auntie Sunshine!) Oooooh, I am so addicted to little girl summer clothes and shoes!
These were too big for her last summer. How could that be? It doesn't seem that her feet could possibly have been any smaller than they are now. When she was born her toes were so long she looked like a tree frog. Now she has sweet, short, little tiny toes that barely stick out past the thong part of the flip flop! Anyway, the shoes fit perfectly now. Thank goodness the weather is getting warmer because I can't wait for her to wear them at least a few times before she outgrows them. Why do babies have to grow so fast? *sigh*!

Speaking of the spoilings of Auntie Sunshine, look what else KK got from her this week: A whole box of Mitteee stuff!!! And more! I'm making her share the memory magnets with me. : ) The packet on the left is information about a vacation to DisneyW*rld. Ooooh, wouldn't KK look so cute wearing her Mitteee overalls and cherry flipflops giving the REAL Mitteee a kiss in Orlando? Maybe next summer...hopefully Macaroni will like to take her on rides while us mommies watch and take a million pictures!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

At the park

KK did her first solo slide (without any help!)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Happy Birthday BuddyBuddy!

Today our "first baby" turns five...that's 35 whole dog years! He's getting a bit white in the face, but he is as healthy and fit as a dog can be. Sometimes the vet wonders if he's even alive because his resting heart rate is so low. He can run 20 miles and still beg for more (no joke - he's been tested by marathoners-in-training). I wouldn't say he really likes KK, but he is extremely accepting and tolerant of her; he puts up with getting his tail tugged and being sat on every single day.
He still goes to doggy day care several times a week, so he doesn't have much to complain about. Here is my all-time favorite picture of him, taken during hunting season a few years ago by our friend Kevin. Buddy is bummed that hunting season is over, but September will be here before he knows it. Besides, he's been a bit distracted by a girlfriend lately. If all goes well, BB will be a proud papa in about 60 days since his girlfriend, Bailey, gave him quite the birthday present today (wink, wink). So, if you're interested in having a new member of your family that is tolerant and patient enough to let you do this:
or maybe even this:
then let me know. : ) Happy Birthday Mister Boston! We LOVE you!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Cousin C is THREE!

We went to Cousin C's birthday party today at Nama's house. We had a great time!!! Here are a few pictures. I still have a bazillion to go through and post where the family can see them all. Thanks for inviting us to your party, C! Happy 3rd birthday!

Friday, March 16, 2007

The REAL next American Idol

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


From what I hear, it was a beautiful day today. I wish we could have gotten outside to enjoy it. But no, I'm sick. Sooooo sick. Maybe later this week...

Monday, March 12, 2007


This weekend we went to church for the first time in...well....a long time. I haven't found a church in our town where I feel comfortable. Well, there is one that I sort of like but it doesn't have an active nursery and KK is not up for sitting through a service as much as I wish she was. I've taken her a few times and ended up sitting in the empty nursery with her by myself. It seemed a bit pointless.

Part of my issue is that I have been a member of the same congregation since I was 9 months old. Going to church anywhere else feels like I'm cheating. No other group of people compares to my home congregation and none ever will. They are my family. But it is more than a thousand miles away and, well, that is a long drive. It is important to me, though, to learn and grow in (and confront) my own faith issues, as well as give KK an opportunity to learn about faith and to build her own church family. So we tried another new church in a different town, only about five miles from our house.

This particular church is what I call a "behemoth church." It has parking lot attendants whereas the church I grew up in doesn't even have a parking lot. The building is more like a fancy high school gymnasium, whereas my home church really looks like a church (and the most beautiful one ever, as you can see here). Of course the actual building isn't the most important thing, but the churches in this area are all very different for me. They're just so...big. If you're not there early, you might not get a seat. This new church has an American Idol/rock concert feel to the music. (Which is a good thing - I'm a fan of both.) The message was good and definitely made me reflect and think about things. They have a huge children's program and KK went straight into her classroom (a whole classroom just for 15-24 month olds - and it had lots of kids in it!) without even glancing back at me. Apparently it took her almost an hour to realize that I wasn't there and she started crying a few minutes before I came to get her at the end of the service. And the very best part is that two of my very good friends go there on a regular basis and I didn't even know it! I sat with them during the service and then we went to lunch - it was fabulous.

So, while I liked it, I still have a lot of investigating to do. I am Lutheran and this church isn't Lutheran. Actually I don't even know what it is. After only one visit I don't have a feel for the 'policies or statements' of this congregation - and that will be important. I plan to visit again next Sunday and from there we'll see how it goes...

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Happy Birthday...

to Auntie Shawna! We hope you had a wonderful day and a yummy dinner tonight! Mommy and Daddy say "We'll celebrate in Vegas!"
Hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Grandpa's hairdo

Anyone who knows KK's Grandpa very well will recognize this hairdo. When I was little, I used to love sitting on the couch while my Dad sat on the floor and I would comb and comb and comb his hair while he watched TV. About a year ago he finally cut off the last few strands of "the comb over" and he is more handsome than ever! : ) Love you Grandpa!!!!

Monday, March 05, 2007


Nobody in our house has thrown up in 24 hours, but I'm not going to jinx myself this time and say that we're all clear. I only hope that we are. Besides not eating much and being a little clingy, KK is doing better. One thing she has been doing a lot of lately is "organizing" her toys. She loves to place them in rows on any shelf-like surface: the chairs under the kitchen table, windowsills, the footrest of her high chair, etc. She mostly does it with people and animal toys, but sometimes she'll throw in a mega block or other toy. I hope she'll like to clean and organize her room when she's older!
I went through her closet over the weekend to sort out the clothes she has outgrown. She fell in love with a cute little stocking cap that she got from Auntie Sunshine last winter. It's way too small for her now, but it didn't stop her from wearing it ALL day yesterday. As you can see, her onesie is a bit too small too. She may not eat much, but she IS growing!

I think I should not be allowed to go to Target ever again. Every time I go, I discover some new thing that I didn't even realize I couldn't live without. Like glitter-covered pink ballet flats for KK. I just can't go there anymore...especially when they are turning over kids clothes inventory for the new season. I'm so tired of the cold that little girls summer dresses NEVER looked more adorable.

I watched a show on the History channel the other day that was unsettling. It was called "Decoding the Past" and outlined how several prophesies point to 2012 as the end of time. Or the beginning of a new time. Or both. It wasn't just religious off-the-wall stuff either. I am usually very cynical, but this information was compelling. It included a mix of things...the May*n Calendar, the I Ching, the B*ble, astronomy, historical writings. Much of it undeniable. Civilizations crumble and species become extinct...if anything, I learned that we (modern humans) are pretty big for our britches because we don't think it can happen to us. The truth is that we are nothing in the face of natural disaster, astronomy, and climate change - whether we cause it ourselves or not. And FEMA certainly doesn't have our backs!!! (As if they could in the case of a super-major global disaster or a supernatural occurence...but still.) A website I came across had an article with a quote that made sense to me: "All the evidence around is that we are living in a time of change," says [Adrian] Gilbert. "I think we need to take that on board. I'm not saying it should be like Noah building an ark, but it would be wise to look at how we would cope without things like petrol or water." I'm not a doomsdayer, but dang...what if? Unsettling for sure. Unfortunately the only change in my own behavior since watching the show is eating all the potato chips I want. Hey, if the end is coming...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

I think it's true love...

Here is KK sleeping in the car yesterday. She is really and truly in love.
Unfortunately, she is very sick. I guess now I know why she hasn't been eating well for the past few days. Last night we were at our friends' home for dinner and KK projectile vomited all over their kitchen floor. About six times. They have a three year old and a six month old, so we cleaned up and bolted out the door to avoid any more contact between the kids and to get KK home. I felt terrible. Mostly sad for KK but also a little guilty for running out of their house immediately after the wonderful dinner they made for us. I felt rude, although I know they totally understand - and after KK's impressive display, I certainly don't think they wanted us to stick around. ha. Today, Daddy is sick with the same thing. Ugh. Both of them are sleeping now, so I think I'm going to go lay down in front of the TV. I'm tired from taking care of TWO babies. : )

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Mitteeee good/Food bad

KK is still enamored with Mitteee, and wanted to sleep with her book yet again at naptime today. I can't resist snapping photos of her - look at those cheeks!
(Daddy just got done putting KK down for the night, and he informed me that she and Mitteee were all tucked in...I can't believe how attached she has become to that book for sleeping!)

This, on the other hand, is how she has been feeling about food. Note how she sorted her meat to the right side of her tray and her noodles into the cup holder? I'm not sure why she did this, but I do know that it didn't make it more interesting to eat because she didn't eat a bite of it. She hasn't eaten much of anything for the past two days - not even her favorites. But she is acting fine... energetic, happy and silly. I'm sure she'll eat when she's hungry.