Watch KK Grow

Stories about life with KK, and some other random topics now and then...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving (late)!

I'm just a little behind - sorry. Between the new job, helping a friend sort through some business issues (ugh), doing a serious clean-out of our clothes closet (more ugh), and the Thanksgiving holiday (food and shopping!), I just haven't had enough energy to collect any thoughts together let alone write anything.

I have been sweetly and gently reminded (by more than one person) that this blog is supposed to be about KK - not about my mid-life "a few wrinkles can't stop me from being a rocker girl" crisis. So I will do my best to avoid blogging about Bon Jovi, Motley Crue, or even Def Leppard. Oh my goodness - can I just say that nothing can get me through a workout at the gym like listening to Def Leppard? Ahem. Sorry.

I will also try to be better about posting photos, because I'm told a post without photos doesn't count. : )

KK is the most adorable little devil these days. Somehow she can make me crack up and get frustrated all at the same time. Like this weekend when she took a crayon to the bar stools, ottoman, and front window panes. The crayon on the window is still there and I pointed it out to her today. "KK, look - you don't color on the windows. That is not okay and now Mommy has to clean it off." To which she replied, "It's beeeaoooootiful!" Awww, how sweet.
About a week ago we got to babysit baby Addy for the first time! She is the sweetest, most precious little girl! KK loved it almost as much as me. She was very good and kept her devilishness at bay. She talked to Addy in a cute little baby voice and would pat her gently. She even took time to teach Addy all about Minnie M0use! (See the little tiny baby on the right? That's Addy. The big humongous child on the left? That would be KK. I swear it was only yesterday when SHE only weighed ten pounds!)

We had a very nice and low-key Thanksgiving weekend. Grandma M came to visit for a couple of days. We celebrated Grandma's birthday to get the weekend started. KK tried to eat her birthday brownie before the candle was even blown out!
On Thanksgiving Day KK ran her first race with Daddy. Since he still can't run with his bad ankle, he did the children's run with her instead. Grandma and I stayed home and got dinner started so we didn't get to watch, but it sounded like she enjoyed it. Even though she made Daddy carry her halfway through. She may be a little devil, but she's no dummy! : )
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Happy Birthday Grandma!

We love you! xoxox

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Kinda quiet...

I am a fan of kids music. I love listening to kids songs in the car, and of course KK loves it too. But I've taken a little detour this week, and someone is not happy about it. For the past two days, KK has fought against getting into her carseat with desperate cries of "No! No Bon Jovi!!! No Mama, no!" She used to beg me to sing to her in the car, now she says "Mama. Don't sing!!!" I guess I don't have a rock and roll voice. Heh heh. (Auntie Sunshine DOES have rock and roll hair, though! So cool!) Anyway, I think I've had my JBJ fix for awhile so we'll go back to Old MacDonald on our next car ride.

I started a new job this week. It's with the same company, just in one of the business departments. I started working at this company because I could be with KK all the time. Now, well..."all the time" is more than we both can handle. I totally love it! I even get to dress up, which I haven't had to do for work in about seven years. And the coolest thing (besides the almost free childcare)? Someone in the office was playing Motley Crue all morning! I think I'm going to be very happy with the change.

Other than the new job, not much else is going on. It's just been kinda quiet around here, which is perfectly fine by me. Thanks for checking in. : )

Saturday, November 10, 2007

He's THAT beautiful

I was on my way to bed tonight when I hit the "FAV" button on the remote by accident. It must be my lucky night, because A&E is doing a Bon J0vi special promoting his new tour. Looks like I'll be up a while.

"Hello again, it’s you and me
Kinda always like it used to be
Sippin' wine, killing time
Trying to solve life’s mysteries.
How’s your life, it’s been a while
God it’s good to see you smile..."

Ahhhh, can Richie and Jon write a bad song??? And Jon's smile...seriously makes me melt. Ticket sales for their upcoming concert opened this past Friday. Our obsessed group of 10 friends are the proud holders of 20 tickets (and 8 of them are mine all mine!!!) Yes, he really IS that beautiful.

Music Videos - (You Want To) Make a Memory

Sunday, November 04, 2007

My Little Helper

Today was a beautiful day, so KK and I spent it outside getting the yard ready for winter. It's been so warm that many of our flowers were still blooming. I felt bad cutting them down, but I'm sure a blizzard is just around the corner, and since I am not one for doing yardwork - particularly in extreme temperatures - I just got it over with and cut most everything down anyway. Of course I also wanted to take advantage of my energetic little helper... She actually was very helpful - putting leaves into the bags and encouraging me when I tried to pull some stubborn plants out of big pots: "Pull, Mama! Pull!" (They didn't move...) "Mama! Pull!!!!" (Nothing...) "Mommy? Do you need help?" I literally fell to my knees laughing.

KK also discovered a way to make her "potty stickers" last a bit longer...(note the somewhat large collection; we're making progress!) Who needs expensive toys when you have rocks and stickers?